

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome to the new year!

With all the cold weather it's been hard to get much done, but I finally have a finished project!

This chair was supposed to be an easy project to work on and finish while I was searching for a larger piece to work on. But as I continue refinishing furniture I have realized nothing is a small project!

It needed a couple of repairs, which took longer than I though they would, mostly just trying to figure out a way to clamp very curved edges. I had to discover that the wall and a vacuum cleaner worked perfectly! Sadly, I discovered that after buying a large clamp, but I'm sure I'll find a project to make the purchase worth it. 

Painting the chair was easy! Finally my small project felt small. But then the hunt for the perfect material took three weeks. But completely worth the wait, I fell in love with the colors and pattern the second I found it.

Now I just have to get a warm day so I can finish the end table I'm working on. ( super excited about it)

---- Beth