Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Table -SOLD

A few months ago I talked my brother into keeping an eye out for furniture I might want to refinish. He goes by furniture shops and thrift stores in a different area than I normally can go by and thought it would be a fun adventure for him to find things for me. He wasn't really into it until I told him he would get a percentage of what I sold the piece for. Then he jumped on board with dollar signs in his eyes. :)

It didn't take long for him to find me this cute little side table.

I had a vision of purple paint and a stained top with a purple tint. Just a week before my brother brought this to me my husband had found me a TON of stain for free! (seriously for free). And most of them had a purple like tint to them. 

I ended up finishing a table with the purple paint and decided that I just wasn't in love with it for the end table. So it sat in my sun room for a little too long and I kind of forgot about it. But then fall came and my love for pumpkin everything made me buy a beautiful orange paint color. 

I knew I wanted to do a table for chair in the color, something big but not so much that it stood out too much. And all of a sudden I remembered my pretty little end table with the gorgeous legs! It was a match made in heaven, perfect color for this table, and once I was finished I was so glad it wasn't purple and that I had forgotten about just long enough for it to end up this color.

My "Pumpkin Spice" end table! 

And I was not the only one who agreed, because it sold the next day! I didn't even have time to take a good 'after' picture. I was almost sad to see it sell because I loved it so much and the color makes me think about the changing leaves and crisp fall air. But I'm so glad it has a great new home! And my brother was a happy camper with his commission. I have a feeling it won't take him long before he's sending more my way. 


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