

Monday, October 13, 2014

Purple Coffee Table

This coffee table I worked on a few months ago turned out to be so much fun! I had been saving this great light purple paint for the perfect project, and I'm glad I waited for this table.

I picked up this coffee table from my favorite thrift store along with some other awesome finds. It was scratched up a lot and had definitely seen better days, the legs were wobbly, and the fold out sides needed some work.

Did I mention the awesome fold out sides! It turned the normal coffee table into so much extra space in your living room! We play games all the time at my house, so this table screamed game playing to me, just enough space to spread out your monopoly money! 
But, as much as I love real wood color, this wood was not going to stay, so I had to start thinking about color. White didn't seem right, my favorite teal wasn't right either, red was a good contender, but once I started to think about purple I knew it would be perfect. 

The more I painted the more I wanted to distress the table, which was a great move since it pulled out so many tones in the purple. Plus, it has a lovely shabby chic, country house look to it.  Now it is just waiting for the perfect home!


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